Ayurveda has a different take to Western Medicine. Western medicine treats symptoms whereas Ayurveda treats imbalance, getting to the root cause of the problem and correcting it so the body can heal. It views any dis-ease as an imbalance in the body and suggests 90% of disease can be prevented or corrected through diet and lifestyle, from skin problems, to arthritis to cancer. Ayurveda gives the healing power back to the client. It teaches you to show up for yourself each and every day and be an active participant in your own healing journey so you can build a life full of quality, longevity and health.
Ayurveda recognises 3 basic energies that govern the functioning of the body, from the metabolism, to the way we look, how we respond to the environment, and how we think and feel. They are known as the Doshas- Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
Each Dosha consists of the elements that make up the material world. It might feel strange to consider yourself as different elements rather than anatomical chemical structures, but over time you'll see it simplifies everything. The elements of the doshas have their own characteristics through which we recognise them.
What's important to remember is that we have two health states-our Prakruti which is the inherent state we're both with. Our ideal state of balance. This doesn't change. It's the way we look, our bodies, our metabolisms, how we respond to the world. There's also our Vikruti which is our out of balance state. This happens when the doshas are imbalanced, which is why at times we may relate to different doshas.
Learning to implement the founding principles of Ayurveda, from dinacharya (daily routine), to right living techniques and understanding the modes of material nature, can help people to understand themselves in a different light and use this information to create a life that respects the laws of nature, the way it was always intended.
An Introduction
Ayurveda is the oldest medical system in history. It originates from the ancient vedas of India and can be translated from two words. "Ayur" meaning life and "veda" meaning science, or sacred knowledge. It is the science of life and is a results based medicine studied and built upon over thousands of years by observing nature, people and how we respond to our environments. It is designed to support us on our path to enlightenment so there is nothing mystic or magical about it, even though it can seem that way. In the Western medical system, we don’t acknowledge the existence of soul, or spirit, because it’s not measurable on the material plane which puts us at a huge disadvantage when it comes to healing. Many studies are tested on dead matter, which doesn’t take into account that we are REAL people, spiritual beings, existing in bodies that are affected by the external material world and the doshas.
We have past traumas, experiences, emotions and feelings that are very real, not to mention weather, environment, nutrition and how they affect us all in different ways. Ayurveda sees any disease as imbalance and treats the root cause to allow the body to heal, and acknowledges that caring for the soul is vital to the journey of healing, health and self realisation.