Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
Key Benefits
Strengthens and stretches the ankles
Strengthens the thighs, calves and back
Stimulates the vital organs, including the heart
Works on lifting the inner arches of the feet
From Mountain pose, inhale raise your arms above your head and relax your shoulders down away from your ears.
Exhale; bend your knees to come into a half squat, leaning forwards slightly to maintain your balance. Press evenly into the balls of your feet and heels; lift through your inner arches.
Keep your heart center lifted and your tailbone lengthening down towards the floor. Hold for 5-15 breaths.
To come out of the pose: press down into your heels and straighten your legs; lower your arms to come back to Mountain pose.
Modifications & Variations
– This pose can be performed with a drink bottle or block squeezed between the knees to help activate your inner thighs.
– To make the pose more challenging, sink your hips lower into the squat. Do not allow your buttocks to drop lower than the knees.
– If you cannot take your arms above your head, raise them to shoulder height in front of your body.